Believe it or not, there are some amazing LEGO gifts for adults, which is a true testament to how loved those painful little blocks are!
LEGO has been a household staple since 1932 (can you believe this?), so it’s not just kids that feel passionately about them, it’s their parents AND grandparents that have fond memories (and grandparents not only remember playing with them…they also remember THEIR kids playing with them).
So it’s no wonder that adult LEGO gifts are a hot topic – more adults love LEGOs than kids!
Thankfully, this means there are some great options as far as LEGO gifts for adults go.
So if you’re on the hunt for something special for your adult LEGO-lover, you’ve come to the right place! These ideas are perfect.
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LEGO Bow Tie
This is one of my favorite adult LEGO gifts – a LEGO bow tie!
Bowties are already a fun way to express yourself, so this really hits the spot.
And this is something an avid LEGO lover would actually wear, so I wouldn’t even consider this a gag gift. Talk about a conversation starter!
LEGO Artwork
This personalized LEGO artwork uses custom LEGO people to create a family that looks just like your own!
I love this idea for a family of LEGO lovers and this certainly would make a really fun picture to hang in an office or family room.
It’s a great gift idea for adult LEGO lovers!
Adult LEGO Sets
LEGO has come a long way since we were kids, but thankfully they haven’t forgotten us and have actually created an entire line of adult LEGO sets.
And these sets are THE REAL DEAL.
They’re basically the modern day ship in a bottle. They’ll take a ton of time to complete and some of them actually have moving parts that function.
Here are some of the most amazing adult LEGO sets:
- LEGO Bugatti car (this thing is unbelievable)
- LEGO Hogwarts Castle (an astounding 6,000 pieces!)
- LEGO James Bond Aston Martin
LEGO Photo Block
This LEGO Photo Block is such a brilliant LEGO gift!
You choose the photo and they will print it onto the lego block.
It’s a great idea to display and a fun alternative for a picture in a frame.
You can also play around with how it’s displayed if you want it to look fun and different.
This LEGO mug is such a fun idea and it totally works as an actual mug (it’s BPA-free too).
But, of course, just as important as functioning as a mug, you can actually attach your LEGOs to it!
This is a great idea for adult LEGO lovers and would be a really fun mug for the office (another great conversation starter!).
Personalized LEGO Shirts for the Whole Family
These personalized LEGO shirts are such a cute idea for everyone in the family to have!
Each shirt has the family member’s name along with a LEGO head that looks just like them.
This would make really cute matching pajamas – perfect for a fun family photo shoot!
LEGO Cufflinks
If your adult LEGO lover has the opportunity to wear cufflinks, then these LEGO cufflinks are definitely the gift for them.
LEGO cufflinks are such a fun way to showcase your personality and spruce up a suit.
They’re also pretty subtle, so they won’t take away from still looking professional.
And like so many other LEGO gifts on this list, they’re a great conversation starter!
LEGO Earrings
Yes! LEGO earrings exist and they’re such a great idea!
Because, remember, women love LEGOs too (whether they like it or not, in some cases).
This is another really cute LEGO gift idea for adults that will actually get a lot of use and isn’t just a novelty.
LEGO Pillow
This LEGO pillow is legitimately cool looking and would be such a fun addition to a family room, bedroom, or man cave.
It’s bigger than most kid toy pillows, which makes it a great LEGO gift for adults.
LEGO Slippers
You can never have too many slippers, so LEGO-themed ones can certainly find a home in just about every closet, especially LEGO-loving ones!
They’re comfy, cute, and if you’re not the only LEGO-lover in the family, they’re a great way to protect your feet from little LEGO pieces.
I hope these adult LEGO gifts were exactly what you were looking for! Good luck with your shopping.
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