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Amazing First Anniversary Gifts – the Paper Year!

Happy first anniversary!  What a special occasion to celebrate. Hopefully you’re still madly in love and enjoying the honeymoon phase…and if you’re not, then even more reason to get the perfect first anniversary gift! 

There are a lot of directions you can go with this gift, but there are two obvious paths to head down – the romantic gift path or the paper gift path (and remember, you can do both!). A romantic or sentimental gift will always win you points and is especially appropriate on an anniversary. After all, you are celebrating your love for each other! 

And as for the paper path? Well, it’s tradition! And that in itself means you’ve put thought into the gift. Also, paper may seem boring on the surface, but there are actually some really amazing paper gifts that will blow your spouse away.

Good luck with your shopping and happy anniversary! 

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These paper anniversary gifts are the best way to celebrate your first year of marriage!

Why is Paper a Traditional First Anniversary Gift?

The paper anniversary tradition dates way back so there are a few theories as to how exactly it started, but they all center around the same theme – the fragility (and potential) of paper. Your marriage is so young and if you’ve made it through the first year, then you’ve actually beat more of your peers than you think. Marriage, especially in the first year, is delicate and paper represents that! It also represents a fresh start and a blank slate to begin building your lives on. The potential is endless and the future holds so much for you! Symbolically, this is when you begin writing your story.

Paper Anniversary Gift Ideas

There are so many creative paper anniversary gift ideas. One of the best parts of this anniversary is that there are really amazing options for all budgets, so you can splurge on something expensive or opt for something that’s basically free, but outrageously thoughtful. So get shopping! This is one occasion that you can really score big on. 

Adventure Together Personalized Print

There are so many different cool ideas of personalized framed prints but this Adventure Together one is definitely one of my favorites! Each print is personalized with your names, dates and 5 different destinations made from maps.  This is the perfect idea if you love to travel together.

Plane Tickets

Presenting your spouse with plane tickets is, without a doubt, one of the best paper anniversary gifts that you can possibly get.

Whether you plan a quick 3-day weekend or a full-fledged international getaway, this is a gift that anyone would love.

You can also print a made-up “voucher” for plane tickets if you aren’t comfortable making a big decision like that on your own…sometimes the planning is the best part!

Everything I Love About You Book

This unbelievably thoughtful book is such a great idea as a first anniversary gift! The book comes with prompts to fill out listing everything you love about your spouse – in your own words and with your own anecdotes.

Another thing I really love about this book is that it’s definitely easy on the budget (especially if you’re comparing it to plane tickets or artwork!). You can give this alone and win major points for thoughtfulness OR you can pair it with something else that you know your spouse will really love (but that may not fulfill the paper tradition).

Paper Jewelry

Believe it or not, there are some unbelievable pieces of paper jewelry and your first anniversary is the perfect time to splurge on this! This artist makes stunning pieces of jewelry that are crafted from miniature origami designs. You would never know this is paper, but it’s the perfect symbol of the first year of marriage and a great (and meaningful) addition to a jewelry collection.

The Moon on Your Wedding Night Print

This custom wedding night moon print is another brilliant and romantic gift idea for your first anniversary. You input the exact date and address (for coordinates) and you can get a digital image of exactly what the moon looked like on your wedding night!

The print is beautiful and the meaning is so magical. One thing that is great about this print is that, while it’s definitely thoughtful, it’s not overly romantic, so it can be a great gift for someone that doesn’t like mushy romance.

A Year of Us

This book is such a brilliant concept!  365 questions to learn even more about your spouse than you already know.

This is a really fun paper anniversary gift that will set the course for your second year while also celebrating the first.

It’s fun, cute and not overly romantic, so it works for just about anyone.

DIY Love Coupons

Creating your own set of love coupons is a classic gift idea that works perfectly for your paper anniversary.  And of course, one of the best parts of this gift is that you have complete control over the budget, level of romance, number of coupons, etc. You make all of the decisions!

You definitely want to personalize this gift, but here are some great love coupon ideas to get you started.

New York Times Custom Front Page Puzzle

This custom New York Times puzzle is a really fun idea, especially since it provides a great activity that you can do together – and it’s twice the paper!

You pick the date (presumably your wedding day) and the puzzle will be whatever was on the front page of the New York Times on that exact day.

This is fun, cute and another great way to remember that special day!

Our Bucket List Adventures

This book is another brilliant idea that will help to launch the next few years (if not decades) of your life – which is exactly what the paper anniversary is all about!

The book is multi-purpose.  It serves as inspiration for what you will do together and then also acts as a scrap book to commemorate the memories and even help plan them.

This is a really great first anniversary gift that celebrates not only the bond you’ve developed, but the joint future that lies ahead for you both.

Where It All Began Print

This Where It All Began Print is another really creative artwork idea that celebrates the two of you as a couple.

This is another option that is really thoughtful and romantic without being all hearts and roses – it’s a picture of a map with a marker right where the two of you met or fell in love.

This is a great keepsake to remember where your relationship started, especially if you’ve moved from that location.

Concert Tickets

Concert tickets are another easy win, especially if your spouse is a music lover.  Consider tracking down an artist that you saw together during your dating years or find someone new to enjoy. This is a great opportunity to create an entire date night, so throw in a bottle of champagne, plans for a restaurant or anything else that may make the night exciting!

Monthly Date Night Envelopes

This is a really fun idea that can work on all different budgets. Basically, you create 12 envelopes (1 for each month) and inside each envelope is all the details for a fun date night. You can include gift certificates, reservations, or just a letter detailing what will be done.  And if you’re really creative, you can put together a fun basket with other items that will go along with the dates – wine, popcorn, hiking or beach accessories – you get to decide!

Heartfelt Letter

Don’t forget the obvious!  Whether this was the paper anniversary or not, a heartfelt letter is something that will always be cherished and costs absolutely nothing. No matter what you decide to do, this should be something you include.

I hope these paper anniversary gift ideas helped you find the perfect gift for your special someone. Happy Anniversary! Good luck with the rest of your life!

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These amazing first anniversary gifts celebrate with the tradition of paper! Get your spouse a paper gift and it will set you up for success.